- What is MBTI anyway?
- Understanding your Ti–Ne loop
- Defining your symptoms
- Accessing your Si
- Accessing your Fe
Week 1: What’s MBTI anyway?
- Read this thread from @captain_mrs on MBTI.
- 🚧 Watch my video explaining Ti–Ne–Si–Fe.
- 🚧 Read this thread on how functions can be understood as arrangement of accessing cognitive functions.
- 🚧 Understand the subtleties of Jungian functions here.
You’re INTP, and so I’ll respect your deep need for intellectual coherence by not giving you epistemic bullshit on MBTI or how I’m using these Jungian function.
Week 2: Understanding your Ti–Ne loop
- 🚧 Watch this video on how you cannot accept double psy-ops.
- 🚧 Understand the mechanism and coherence of feeling coerced and locking down.
Week 3: Defining your symptoms
- 🚧 Read this thread on Coherence Therapy.
- 🚧 Read this transcript of a real session and identify the three steps: symptom identification, imaginal pretending, symptom deprivation, cycling, conscious integration.
- 🚧 Understand the value of just training in your head.
- Write some symptoms and identify them precisely. What is the problem in your life? It’s ok to feel conflicted about whether it is a “problem” or not.
Coherence Therapy is not just a ridiculously OP framework for understanding your brain, but it also excels at maintaining focus on specific, defined symptoms so you can actually
- know and feel you’re making progress
- understand the causal mechanisms behind what’s going on
As an INTP, I know you value these things, and it sucks many therapy frameworks refuse to or cannot give you this information.
Week 4: Accessing your Si
- 🚧 Read this thread on why not having Si can be painful.
- 🚧 Watch this video on me describing what Si feels like, the benefits of knowing you have it “inside” you to safely homes-regulate, and how it feels to have an always on, perceptive compass of being.
- 🚧 Bonus: Read this thread on surfing and unbuffered vs buffered OODA loops.
- 🚧 Read these instructions for memory journalling that you will in all likelihood probably ignore and not want to do.
- DM me or schedule a call with me because frankly that’s the only way an INTP like you might end up accessing the somatic/memory/perceptive component of Si live.
Si is the thing that will get you unstuck when your mind is fried. It’ll calm you and give you a parallel way to ground and relax while the rest of you is still in dramatic intellectualising.
Week 5: Accessing your Fe
- Identify a recent conversation in your week where you showed a symptom you described in Week 2.
- Replay it in your head with your skills for Si. Don’t expect to do any better than before. Just notice.
- 🚧 Look at this list of self-rescuing strategies, and notice if you have an inclination for one.
- What is coherent about your reaction? DM me the answer.
- 🚧 Try the Fe technique. (1) Notice you’re feeling self-rescuey/fake, (2) ask yourself what do you want the other person to know, and (3) translate it into relational language to communicate it in a way that’s about them.
- 🚧 Read this thread on impro, being able to say anything, the meta-vibe, and what it means to be in a relational space always where you’re deciding what will happen.
- 🚧 Read this thread on how Si is so important for Fe, because you need to know what you want too.
- Either record yourself, or schedule a call with me to try using the Fe technique in one of the recent conversations you had.
- For bonus point, flirt or talk to someone while keeping it entirely about them for an hour.
Payment model
This isn’t a course—it’s the rough sketch of one.
Here’s the offer: If you ping me enough (schedule calls with me), I will happily and freely lead you through this stuff 1:1. Insanely good deal for you.
On my end, I get to be lazy. I can use the transcript of what I say in the calls as written materials.
Ideally, you’re cool, and I want to be friends with you anyway.
If and when I ever do make a course, maybe I’ll charge like this:
The “always 1 free session” model.
AKA the "fininite
You sign up for the course. Cheap. You get access to a Slack.
There, you can see discussion of modules and schedule calls with me.
You always get one free session. You call with me, and if it’s eh, you don’t pay. If did find it useful and want to schedule more, then you pay for the old one, but you get the next session free. And so on.
So you only ever pay if you got enough value you want to come back. Never any risk.
🚧 Intake form
- Pick one of the following statements that resonates with you.
- Although MBTI feels like a bullshit system, I identify with INTP.
- Sometimes I don’t feel I’m “real” when I’m interacting with others.
- I feel safe in my head, and I hate it when people shout false, wrong things at me.
- Sometimes my head spins and spins and gets stuck. I wish I had immediate intuitive guidance then.
- For each statement you picked, answer:
- If this was true, what would it mean? (1 bad thing)
- If this was true, what would it explain? (couple things it explains)
- Send these answers to me via Twitter DM here: @AskYatharth.
🚧 Extra Topics I didn’t include
- My thread with v0.1 protocol
- v0.2 protocol
- v0.3 protocol (only by personal request)
- [Prereq: Coherence therapy, self-love] Respect your head
- But also get in touch with your gut
- Here’s how: Si
- Head can be stuck, and move forward anyway
- How to get in touch with your heart
- Marika technique
- Dropping drama
- How to get in touch with your dick
- Asking alway if want to f her
- How to get in touch with anger
- How to get in touch with a romantic interest's gut/heart/pussy/dick
A story of being in my head
- Almost didn’t render other people, need to say it to be true
- Fake self, didn’t exist at times versus did
True vs false self
- Feeling “real”
- What’s a “Fake self”?
- Identification problem
- Knowing what you want
- See 1-player video game. Then real
- Robin Hanson-type fake construction